New Vehicles


*Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price, or "MSRP", is for informational purposes only, and due to fluctuations in the market conditions, the dealer reserves the right to offer the vehicle at actual market value, which may be higher than MSRP. The advertised price does not include sales tax, vehicle registration fees, finance charges, vehicle prep, dealer installed options, market value adjustments, documentation charges, $898.50 dealer fee or any other fees required by law. While great effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site, since errors do occur, please verify information by calling us at (772) 464-8440 or by visiting us at the dealership.

**These estimates reflect new EPA methods beginning with 2008 models. Your actual mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle. Actual mileage will vary with options, driving conditions, driving habits and vehicle's condition. Mileage estimates may be derived from previous year model.